After a long wait due to Covid restrictions, the world famous San Pedro Lobster Festival was celebrated across the island. Festivities kicked off with a lion fish hunt to open the season and a lobster crawl from July 1 – 9. During the early hours of July 1st fisherman set out to collect the first round of lobster to get things started by supplying restaurants all over the island to feed the seafood hungry hungry locals and tourists visiting for our annual Lobster Fest celebration.
All throughout the week local establishments hosted lobster Fest events with fantastic food offerings, beach bbq’s and entertainment. Lobster skewers, hudit, and ceviche just to name a few of the many options available during this island wide celebration and for the rest of the season. All crawl events hosted by local establishments were well attended with a variety of lobster dishes to try. Lobster headbands, necklaces, shirts, hats and more were available for purchase.
At the end of the lobster crawl came big block party. An eventful evening with great entertainment: Panerrifix steel drum band, Dennis Wolfe Band, and Gilharry 7 all giving great live performances. The crowd was also treated to the San Pedro Dance company, and DJ Debbie. Festival crowds enjoyed a variety of lobster dishes. During the week, Lobster Fest passports were stamped at every event for the chance to win prizes with a raffle drawn on the night of the block party celebration inside its new annual location at Saca Chispas football field on the lagoon side of town.
It was great to see island businesses crowded with tourists looking to enjoy our annual celebration. The weather was perfect with blue skies and lots of sunshine to enjoy the week-long festivities.
San Pedro Lobster Festival is a great reason to visit Belize in the summer and a fun family friendly event. Watch San Pedro Lobster Festival Facebook page for info on next year so you can start planning your trip.
Visit our YouTube page to see a short lobster festival video and don’t forget to subscribe to get notified when we post new videos. You can also tune into Enterprise on Instagram and our golf cart rental Facebook page to see all the great places you can drive your golf cart no matter when you come.
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We know you are ready for some vacation time and we hope to see you soon.